More Than a Pipe Dream

3 Key Types Of Water Softeners To Consider For Your Home

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If you have dry skin, mineral buildup on your faucets and clothing that gets crunchier with every wash, then installing a water softener is a smart idea. Water softeners remove excess minerals from your home’s water supply, leaving you with so-called “soft” water that won’t leave these deposits behind. But what kind of water softener should you have installed? That depends on your preferences. Here are three top types to consider. Read More»

Tips For Maintaining Your HVAC Unit

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Taking care of your HVAC unit should always be a priority. This will ensure that it is in proper working condition whenever you need it. A broken HVAC unit can be very inconvenient. While it is normal for an HVAC system to malfunction from time to time, you want to do everything in your power to ensure that this does not happen often. The following tips will help you to take care of your unit, and avoid breakdowns Read More»

Commonly Needed Plumbing Services That Homeowners May Require

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There are a variety of plumbing services that your home will need over the years that you live in it. While the plumbing system in your home is likely to last for years without encountering significant problems, there are some routine plumbing services that will eventually be needed. Drain Maintenance The drains are among the most vulnerable parts of your plumbing system. It can be easy for clogs to form due to the items and materials that may enter the drains. Read More»

Spot Signs That Plumbing Pipes Need To Be Repaired

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Owning a home requires a lot of work on your part. It can also require a lot of work from professionals from time to time, as there are just some things better left to those with training. Take, for example, plumbing pipe repair. Unless you have a significant amount of experience with plumbing, it would be better to call for professional pipe repair. You just have to make sure that you quickly realize that there is need for such repairs by looking out for the following: Read More»

Seven Good Plumbing System Investments To Make Before Cold Weather Arrives

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As a homeowner, you need to be aware of the fact that cold winter temperatures can be hard on your plumbing system. Now is the time to invest in plumbing system updates that will protect your plumbing fixtures and home from cold weather damage. The following are seven good plumbing system investments to make before cold weather arrives.  Insulate Your Pipes You need to prevent your pipes from freezing up when temperatures drop extremely low during the coldest parts of the winter. Read More»