More Than a Pipe Dream

Essential Tools You Should Have For Emergency Plumbing Issues At Your Home

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Although you may not be a professional plumber,  you may need to deal with a plumbing issue at some point. A few minor plumbing problems are inevitable but can be quickly fixed if you have the right equipment. Plumbing emergencies can be costly and inconvenient if they are not addressed on time. Regardless of whether you can fix the problem yourself or need professional help, there are essential plumbing tools you should have at your home. Read More»

Reap the Benefits: Why You Should Have Your Drains Cleaned Once a Year

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When you own a home, there’s a lot of maintenance that you need to take care of. Some of that maintenance involves your plumbing. You might think that repairing the leaks, and servicing the garbage disposal are the main components of your plumbing maintenance list. However, if you don’t have drain cleaning on your annual maintenance list, you’re missing out on some great benefits. Not only that, but your annual home maintenance checklist isn’t complete. Read More»

Signs Your Septic Tank Is Full: How To Prevent A Messy Situation

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Septic tanks store and treat wastewater so that it can be safely discharged back into the environment. But what happens when a septic tank is full? If not emptied on time, the septic tank can overflow, causing major damage to your property and creating a huge mess. This blog highlights three signs that your septic tank is full and what you can do to prevent it from overflowing. Overflowing Toilets Read More»

3 Signs Your Septic Tank Needs To Be Serviced

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Your septic system needs to be maintained and it is going to need your attention to prevent issues that can be expensive to repair. Some of the things you need to do to maintain your system are to pay attention to what goes down your drains and into your tank, as well as to keep a close eye on the drainage field and the level of waste in your tank. If your tank needs to be serviced, there are signs to watch out for. Read More»

Water Heaters: Why Is There Cold Water In Your Appliance?

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If your fairly new water heater doesn’t make or keep the water hot, contact a plumber today. Your water heater could have one or more problems to repair, including a worn out or corroded heating element. Learn more about your water heater and what you can do to repair your appliance below. What’s Wrong With Your Water Heater? Although hot water heaters can experience problems once they approach their expiration dates, new or fairly new water heaters can also develop problems with their parts. Read More»