More Than a Pipe Dream

What Kind Of Problems Might You Encounter With Tankless Water Heaters?

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More people in your neighborhood are opting for tankless water heaters as they have good energy efficiency and lasting durability. However, like any appliance, they are prone to issues that can arise throughout the lifespan of the unit. While the homeowner can tackle some of these problems, it is always advisable to call a licensed plumber to resolve any problems with your tankless water heater. With that said, what kind of issues could you encounter with your tankless water heater? Read More»

Situations That Require A Plumbing Contractor

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Plumbing issues in your home can be a costly and inconvenient problem. Sometimes, you might try to fix it yourself, thinking it might save you some money, but in many cases, it can make things worse. In such situations, it’s crucial to call a plumbing contractor. But when do you need to? Well, this blog post will highlight some of the common scenarios when you might need a plumbing expert. Read More»

Is Your Water Main Valve Stuck?

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Your water main valve is actually one of the most important parts of your plumbing system. This valve controls the flow of water into your home’s freshwater pipes. If you ever have a major plumbing leak, turning off the main water valve will stop the flow of water and minimize the amount that leaks out.  Unfortunately, many homes have “stuck” water main valves, and the owners do not even realize it until they need to turn the valve off and are unable to do so. Read More»

Keep It Flowing: A DIY Guide to Cleaning Your Drains

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Clogged drains can be a nuisance, causing unpleasant odors and water backup in your home. Regular maintenance of your drains can prevent such issues and keep them running smoothly. This blog post will walk you through some easy steps on how to clean your drains. 1. The Boiling Water Method This is perhaps the easiest and least expensive method to clean your drains. Simply boil a kettle of water and pour it directly down the drain. Read More»

3 Reasons To Get Your Household Drains Professionally Cleaned Soon

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If you have never called in a professional to have the household drain pipes cleaned, now would be a great time to make it happen. This is not one of those tasks that only need to be done when there is an obvious problem. Drain cleaning is actually something you should do about once a year, and it’s best to allow a professional to do the work for you. Here are some reasons why: Read More»