3 Steps In Choosing Water Treatment Systems For Your Well
Would you like more assurance that the water you draw from your well is safe for drinking? The best way to do that would be to install a water treatment system. Well water is largely safe for drinking in many areas, but it often contains minerals, including metallic compounds like nitrates and assorted microorganisms. In some cases, contaminants may seep into groundwater. Domestic water treatment systems are the best protection for your family against these water contaminants. So how do you choose one?
1. Start With a Water Test
It is best to first know what you are dealing with before buying a water treatment system. Well water may contain different bacteria, viruses, heavy metal compounds, and sometimes contaminants that percolate from above ground, including pesticides and petroleum products.
Get a professional recommendation on the best water testing kit for your area. Ask your water treatment systems supplier if they offer free water testing. You can then decide on the type of filtration you need.
2. Understand Different Water Treatment Systems
Water treatment systems come in different configurations and technologies. They include:
- Point-to-use systems - These water treatment systems attach to individual taps where you only want to little amounts of drinking water
- Point-of-entry systems - This water filtration system attaches to the point well water gets into your house. It is ideal when you want soft water for all domestic uses.
- Reverse Osmosis systems – These water treatment systems provide the purest drinking water. It works well when you want large amounts of drinking water.
- UV Filtration system - Ultraviolet ray systems are effective in killing microorganisms, which works best when you have very young children or senior people in the house.
3. Calculate Desirable Flow Rate
How much treated water do you need? You must have a fair estimate of the desirable water flow from the showers, dispensers, dishwashers, and other water points. This consideration is especially crucial if you want to install point-of-entry water treatment systems.
This step is critical because picking a water treatment system with a lower capacity than the flow rate leads to water flow interruption when there is peak water use, like in the mornings.
You should seek professional advice on the ideal water filter size regarding surface area and ports. Remember, water must flow through this component, so it has a big impact on the flow rate from your taps.
Would you like to extract more value from your well water? Talk to a plumber about suitable water treatment systems to serve your family's needs.