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5 Septic Tank Myths That Could Cost You Money

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Keeping your septic system in optimum shape can help avoid problems down the road. Know the truth about some common septic myths so mistakes aren't made.

1. Tanks Require Pumping When The Lines Back Up

While backing up sewer lines does mean that the tank needs to be pumped out, you shouldn't wait until this point to schedule a pumping. A septic tank should be pumped long before sewage backups become a problem. If the lines are backing up, then the tank has overfilled or there is a clog somewhere in the system. Both of these issues could lead to bigger problems and the need for a repair on top of pumping out the tank.

2. Only Septic Tanks Require Service

Regular service is more than pumping. It also includes inspecting the system to make sure there are no developing issues that need to be repaired. The system includes more than just the tank. Your septic service will also need to inspect and service the drain field and the sewage and effluent lines that lead to and from the septic tank.

3. Every System Needs the Same Pumping Schedule

There is no single guideline that applies to every septic system maintenance schedule. Instead, pumping schedules are dependent on several factors. These factors include the age and size of the system, as well as how many people are in the household. Instead of following an arbitrary schedule, check with your septic service to develop a schedule that meets the specific needs of your septic system.

4. Additives Lets One Skip Septic Pumping

Enzyme and bacterial additives are available that are supposed to aid the proper functioning of the septic system. These are best used only when your septic service advises them, as they can affect the microbial balance and affect the functioning inside the septic tank. It's also important to note that additives do not take the place of regular pumping, they just help the system perform better between pumpings. 

5. Wastewater Doesn't Affect Septic Tank Function

Septic systems aren't like municipal sewage systems. They do not have the size nor processing abilities to break down every type of waste that can go down a drain. The smaller bacterial ecosystem in a home septic tank is also less resilient against exposure to some chemicals that are found in household cleaners. Avoid putting too many solids into the tank, and only use septic-safe household cleaners so you can keep the wastewater safe for the system.

Contact a septic tank service in your area if you have more questions or concerns, like Chamberlain Septic and Sewer.
